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Looking at the pace in which our world is moving towards digitization, one has to admit, that network analytics will play an important part in paving the way how IT would operate in future. Network analytics for an enterprise is complex, the AI and automation technologies in use help achieve intelligent and effective ways towards future IT operations.

Network analytics improves user experience in IT operations by analyzing network data. It compares and correlates data to address a problem or trend. It manages IT operations by channelizing the below mentioned data inputs.

  1. Real network traffic generated by client.
  2. Synthetic network traffic created by virtual clients.
  3. Metrics from infrastructure.
  4. System logs.
  5. Data flow.
  6. Application program interface (API) from application server.


A user can face poor network performance or disruption in service due to either, OS problem, Wi-Fi or LAN issue, DHCP, WAN problem or application failure. To locate the actual cause for interruption is essential for smooth functioning of IT operations. Network analytics operate with the help of big data analytics along with cloud computing and machine learning to examine data and create a holistic perspective. Proactive IT Operations Led by predictive insights enhance 90% data accuracy. It can also interpret data in a visual format to develop an elaborate understanding. Here, network analytics plays an important role in redefining IT operations.

  • Network analytics uses proactive analytical tools such as; Sisense, Azure, R Open, GoodData etc. for a deeper understanding of issues and to locate the source of error which can make IT operation seamless. Sisense helps processing data 10 times faster, Azure’s 100 modules per experiment or 10 GB storage space is cost effective. GoodData allows 360-degree overview for customer insights.
  • Earlier, the task to fix a network issue was relatively simple, now, with the increasing usage of virtual and mobile devices and cloud computing, detecting an issue within a network and fixing the same has become complex. Without network analytics, IT Ops will not be able to sustain the wrath of disruption.
  • There has been huge diversification lately in the field of hardware, operating systems, application and services. Understanding network problems within these landscapes, can be challenging. Network analytics plays an important role here by easing the task through user performance management (UPM).
  • Network analytics also minimizes the issue with access network in IT operations starting from getting Wi-Fi access to authentications, obtaining IP addresses or resolving DHCP requests.
  • Network analytics tool can help reduce network traffic through alteration in facilities. It can use network event correlation to understand the impact on devices and customer’s experience on bandwidth latency.
  • Network analytics assists a great deal in network capacity planning and deployment opportunity for an improved network ROI by up to 15% as per market research.


To analyze the impact network analytics has on IT Ops, it is essential to understand the difference between monitoring and analytics solution. Monitoring refers to collecting and interpreting data in a passive form and sharing potentially actionable information to the network manager. Hence, it focuses on spotting problems without fixing them.

Analytics is more prescriptive where, recorded historical data is understood, learnt and analyzed paving a pattern to be followed. Data collected from Wi-Fi, devices, applications and WAN create trends that impact IT operations.


Along with pinpointing the area of concern, advanced analytics tries to automate new solutions to the detected problem. Advanced network analytics help to understand if the issue is with a client operating system, application, network services or Wi-Fi access. This enhances the scope of IT Ops by improving infrastructure by providing insights to take the overall operations to the next level. The new generation of network analytic tools and solutions can reduce outages, upgrade systems and applications, improve customer experience and simplify the process of operations in IT.


  1. Network analytics can help IT Ops analyze the requirement and create a balance so that, the available resources can be optimally utilized to enhance network performance and lower the cost structure of IT Ops.
  2. Network analytics help with data mining insights for identification of revenue and enabling a data-driven and action-oriented IT operation.
  3. Network analytics can help in capacity planning where both resources and services can be calculated in advance for an apt provisioning.


Network analytics, with its analytics tool, can predict future down time, allowing necessary action to be taken on time. It also increases awareness of the root cause of the problem to remediate faster and eventually prevent and result in reducing MTTR by 95%. This can reduce organizational disruption and operational costs while increasing customer satisfaction.


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