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System alerts and critical alerts

One of the most important and critical roles of an IT professional is to handle incoming alerts efficiently and effectively. This will ensure a threat-free environment and reduce the chances of system outages. Now, not all incoming alerts are critical; an alert can pop up on a window screen for a user to act on, blocking the underlying webpage. One can configure the setting to automatic alert resolution where an alert will be closed automatically after a number of days.

Can automation manage system alerts?

Gradually, many companies are incorporating automation in the field of managing system alerts. The age-old technology of monitoring system for both, internal and external alerts is not effective in streamlining the actual process of managing these incoming alerts. Here, IT process automation (ITPA) can take incident management to a whole new level. Automation in collaboration with monitoring tools can identify, analyze and finally prioritize incoming alerts while sending notification to fix the issue. Such notifications can be customized depending on the selected mode of preference. Also, it is worth mentioning here that automated workflows can be created to open, update and close tickets in the service desk, minimizing human intervention while electronically resolving issues.

Integration of a monitoring system with automation

Automation of system alerts happen with the following workflow. It highly improved the incident management system, reducing human intervention and refining the quality of monitoring.

  1. The monitoring system detects an incident within the IT infrastructure and triggers an alert.
  2. The alert is addressed by automation software and a trouble ticket is generated thereafter in service desk.
  3. Then the affected lot is notified via preferred method of communication.
  4. Network admin is then notified by ITPA to address the issue and recover.
  5. The service ticket is accordingly updated through implementation of automation.

Benefits of automation to manage system alerts

Relying on a process that is manually performed especially, while dealing with critical information in a workflow can be difficult. In such a scenario, automation of monitoring critical data in business systems like accounting, CRM, ERP or warehousing can improve on consistency. It can also recognize significant or critical data changes immediately triggering notification for the same. With this 360-degree visibility of critical information, decision making can happen a lot faster which in the long run can forestall serious crisis. It also improves the overall performance of the company and customer service and reduces financial risk due to anomalies and security threats. Hence, it can be aptly mentioned that automation of system alerts can effectively reduce response and resolution time. It can also lessen system downtime and improve MTTR.

BPA platform’s role to manage system alerts

The business process automation (BPA) platform enables multi-recipient capabilities so that notification can be sent to employees across different verticals. This will increase their visibility on real-time information that is relevant to their organizational role. This platform also provides escalation capabilities where notification will be sent to higher management if an alert is not addressed on time.


For large-scale organizations, the number of alerts spotted by detection tools are growing in number with time. This inspired IT enterprises to automate security control configurations and implement responsive security analysis tasks. Through automation of security control and processes, a new firewall rule can be automatically created or deleted based on alerts. Once a threat is detected, automated response is created. We can conclude that automation can manage system alerts efficiently and effectively. And a pre-built workflow often helps to jump-start an automation process of addressing a system alert.


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